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Preparation of Japanese green tea
Essential Factors in the Preparation of Green Tea (by Variety)
Daily consumption:
Brewing time
Basically, it is left to infuse for exactly 2 minutes.
• Le Shincha (thé de printemps) frais, s'infuse 90 secondes only.
• therapeutic applications up to 9 minutes
Up to a point, a longer infusion extracts more tannins (bitter compounds). The tea becomes more bitter. Most of the caffeine is extracted within the first 30 seconds.
• En principe : 2 cuil. full coffee for a serving of 0.3 to 0.5L of water (varies depending on the types of tea and effects).
• Gyokuro: 3 cuil. full coffee for a portion of 0.3 to 0.5L of water if you tolerate caffeine well, otherwise reduce.
• Adolescents : moitié du dosage avec 0.3L of water.
Adverse effects: reduce dosage until symptoms disappear. NEVER force yourself. Opt for a milder type of tea and return to the product later, gradually returning to a normal dose.
Reference: 60°Celsius
• • ) and Shincha: 50° Celsius.
• Qualité supérieure (Premium Grade, Gold Grade): 55° Celsius;
• Très bon thés (Superior Grade, Silver et Bronze Grade): 60 ° Celsius.
For optimal benefits, it is advisable to respect the recommended infusion time (2 minutes in principle). Possible to infuse high-end teas several times for variations in taste (traditional). Cumulative duration of multiple infusions = 2min
Really let it steep
• Beaucoup de place dans la théière ou dans le verre à thé. Traditional clay teapots (Kyusu) are provided for this purpose, they have an integrated filter.
• À défaut de Kyusu, il est recommandé d'infuser dans un verre , during the last 45 seconds stir very gently, to stimulate the extraction of particles in the tea.
• the taste one can on the other hand).
When to drink?
During the first 10 minutes (otherwise loss of chemical components and therefore benefits). Exception: certain special preparations from 80°C, the tea lasts a few hours. Reheating tea is never recommended.
Hold the tea hot?
• never reheat ingredients or keep hot
What tea to drink, how often and how much?
Daily consumption:
• July, Mai,Shinschamin season
• Gyokuro (Prévention de base, Reins, Métabolisme du sucre),
• Sencha (Prévention de base, foie, bille, rate, pancréas, encoder).
Essential supplements (1 or 2 times a week):
• Bancha et Karigané / Kukicha (Minéraux et oligoéléments),
• Matcha non réchauffé (Antioxydants, Vitamines, Catéchines etc.),
• Benifuuki en poudre – non réchauffé (métabolisme et allergies)
Never mix different types of tea together. Possibility to drink up to 4 types of tea per day (alternating).
• 1-2 L étalés au cours de la journée (2-4 x 0.5L); half for children.
• Au minimum 1 volume d'eau fraiche par volume de thé. Drink 1.5 to 2L of water a day in addition to tea..
First or second harvest
• Sencha et Bancha: en principe la 1ère récolte est la plus recherchée et the most expensive (taste and nutritional richness). Occasionally it is excellent to drink a tea from the 2nd harvest to alternate the benefits.
• Shincha, Gyokuro, Karigané, Matcha: seulement la 1ère récolte.
• Préférer les thés de jardin de thé qui récoltent au maximum 2 fois par season.
• drink the once harvested organic tea.
Morning, noon evening
Depending on tolerance (caffeine) and use, choose the corresponding types of tea
• Gyokuro, Shincha, Benifuuki en poudre et Matcha mieux le matin.
• f better after noon.
• Bancha, Karigané, Kukicha mieux l'après midi et le soir.
In case of caffeine intolerance, opt for Bancha, Karigané, Kukicha and also Genmaicha in the afternoon.
Caffeine and steeping time
Unlike coffee, the caffeine in green tea is bound to tannins and ingested in the presence of L-Theanine which makes it much more tolerable for the body. As part of green tea, in the presence of this molecular mixture, caffeine is excellent for health.
• Beaucoup de caféine: Gyokuro, Shincha, Matcha, Sencha
• average Bancha
• café
• En ce qui concerne la qualité, nous avons fait des tests kinésiologiques ( non-scientific) on a scale of 0 to 100%. We do not recommend teas below 79%.
• A partir de 80% nous les répartissons en tranche de 5%. Bronze (80-84%), Silver (85-89%), Gold (90-94%), Platinum (95-100%), depending on their purity and effectiveness on health.
For everyday consumption, we recommend a quality above 79%. A higher level is however recommended. The benefits are exponential up to about 95%! In prevention or treatment, we therefore recommend a quality between 85 and 95%. However, some symptoms call for a quality > 90%.
• low in minerals, low in limestone and low in limestone
• Une bonne eau plate ou une eau pure énergisée (osmose inverse).
Wash, rinse or “open” the tea before infusion?
• Non, infuser les feuilles sèches avec de l'eau chaude.
tea filter
• bad fine mesh particles must not pass of leaf).
• Si possible, un maillage en acier inoxydable avec 2 manches ou bien déjà included in Kyusu.
• Aucun autre métal, pas de filtre papier ou de filet de coton.
Appropriate teapot
• Si possible un Kyusu en glaise naturelle fait main : Kyusu Japonais.
• Pour une meilleure extraction des particules, infuser dans un grand verre transparent ( cocktail glass) 0.3 – 0.5L.
• Eviter tout contact avec du plastique ou du métal (autre que le filtre stainless steel).
• Exception : Théière en fond non émaillée (apport en ion Fer lors de the infusion)
Storage and preservation
• Market: Preservation:
High quality lacquered plastic (100% opaque and waterproof), opaque glass jar or opaque zip bag
• Meilleure conservation: boîte à thé traditionnelle en bois de cerisier. Reinforces the benefits of teas by approximately 5% for 8 weeks (maturation).
Do not store the plastic bag unopened
• Toujours à température ambiante, pas dans le frigidaire.
• Exception: Matcha et Benifuuki en poudre conserver au frigidaire dans boîte opaque et hermetic.
Expiration bad
• after harvesting and vacuum. Tea is generally best fresh.
• Saveur: Le Gyokuro et le Matcha mûrissent pendant plusieurs mois après la production .
Age (after harvest)
Tea is usually best fresh.
• Les amateurs laissent le Gyokuro jusqu'à 5 ans après la récolte et Matcha too (several months).
Milk, Sugar, Honey, Aspartame or other.
No! always drink the tea pure.
• La biodisponibilité des catéchines est inhibée par les ajouts.
Lemon, Vitamin C, Ascorbic Acid, Juice
• Peut augmenter la Biodisponibilité des catéchines mais inhibe l'assimilation d'autres ingredients.
• Le thé fraichement infusé contient de la vitamine C et est toujours meilleur à drink neat.
Main accessories
• Kyusu (Théière traditionnelle)
• for bamboo powderChapatule
• • stainless steel with two handles (Large Glass).
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