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Flowers, fruits, rhizomes, oilseeds, leaves, wild garden spices

Like teas, we are looking for wonderful Infusions, which challenge us by their originality, their composition, but of course their quality. Here too, we look in all directions to find the nuggets that are likely to seduce you with their beauty, their tasting and their beneficence. Composed with high quality plants, flowers, leaves, bark, rhizomes, fruits (dried or nuts), berries and spices. 

Sourced from multiple regions of the world, developed by experts in the art of blending plants in order to obtain infusions of perfect balance. Some are organic, others are not, in some the addition of flavours, by sweetening products such as fruit sugars, enhance them, but everything is transparent and perfectly described in the compositions or technical data sheets that we do not fail to display on the product cards.

Note: The products may look slightly different in your bag, as they are photographed and staged under the light.

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