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Tea plantation , Malawi, Africa_edited.png


The tea plants in Malawi are Camellia Sinensis, planted by the British when the country was a colony like India. Satema, where our white tea is produced from, (the most expensive tea in Malawi, certainly, but taste it, you will understand) is a fair trade certified plantation.

The tea plants in Malawi are Camellia Sinensis, planted by the British when the country was a colony like India. Satema, where our white tea is produced, (The most expensive of Malawi teas, sure, but taste it, you will understand) is a certified fair trade plantation.

Malawi is a small producer country globally, but the 2nd in Africa after Kenya.

To create added value and stand out from the competition, it is necessary to produce quality other than CTC teas, 95% produced and intended for mass production and of poor quality, sometimes sold by big brands. international.

We are proud of our small selection of Malawian tea, but of good quality.

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